Supply networks for district heating and cooling

Precise conversion of materials and energy

Comfortable temperatures without a boiler or air conditioning

Energy supply companies use a district heating network to provide their customers with hot water and heating water directly via a pipe network – safely and conveniently without a boiler or fuel store in the home or office building. If renewable energies or waste heat from industrial production or electricity generation are also used, this is simple and convenient. And it is also particularly efficient and environmentally friendly.

Kremsmüller district heating

Kremsmüller Pipeline Construction and Pipeline Construction is an experienced partner for the pipelines required from the power plant, heat source or storage facility to the customer.

Incidentally, the whole thing also works in reverse – with a district cooling network for cooling residential buildings, businesses and public facilities in hot summers using chillers.

  • Projects
    • Pressurized heat storage for the use of industrial waste heat in Ingolstadt – Kremsmueller Anlagenbau (
    • District cooling powers Vienna General Hospital and Ö3 Radio – Kremsmueller Anlagenbau (
Transporting energy safely and without loss

Kremsmueller pipelines for district heating and district cooling supply

District heating uses hot water as the heat transfer medium. The district heating reaches the connected buildings directly via an underground, insulated system of pipes and pumping stations. A house connection pipe is then laid from the main pipe. Transfer stations then transfer the heat to the building heating and hot water supply in a controlled manner.

District heating in general

A district heating system is a closed circuit with flow and return.

This means that the hot water arriving at the transfer station supplies heating water and hot water heating in the house. The cooled water is then fed back into the district heating network.

Like all pipelines, the pipelines for district heating are also laid in the ground. To ensure that the energy stored in the water from heat generation is retained as completely as possible along the entire transport route to the consumer, the pre-insulated district heating pipelines are made of

Our pipeline construction professionals for your project

District heating pipeline construction is a job for professionals – at Kremsmueller, only experienced specialists are entrusted with your project: highly trained and with years of experience in a wide variety of pipeline projects.

Therefore with Kremsmueller:

Your district heating project with Kremsmueller?
ask our experts!

We are here for you

By the way: because district heating projects are often designed for the long term with extensions, network consolidation and maintenance, we are also there for you when the last pipe has been laid and the construction pit has been closed. We support you wherever you need us via framework agreements.

"District heating is a convenient energy supply and is particularly efficient when combined with the use of renewable energies or industrial waste heat. Your project is in the best hands with the experienced Kremsmueller specialists when it comes to laying the required pipelines on time."
Marcus Pietsch

Division management

Why Kremsmueller?

Tight schedule? Ask us for the fastest way!

We put your most important apparatus engineering projects in the fast lane! If your apparatus has to reach its destination on time, even with a short lead time, the Kremsmueller team picks up the pace – solution-oriented and cooperative.

Kremsmueller apparatus engineering

We process what you need

In apparatus engineering, we process a wide range of materials according to our customers’ requirements, which withstand the highest loads, for example due to corrosion, pressure or temperature.

One of the most modern machine parks in Europe and the Kremsmueller specialists ensure unparalleled precision. Our numerous certifications vouch for our quality.

Kremsmüller Monteur auf Baustelle Neptune Energy in Geeste, Lingen vor Duplex-Tank