Safety First
Safety has the topmost priority at Kremsmueller

The Kremsmueller Safety Prize

With innovative measures, well on the way towards ‘Zero Accidents at Work’

The SCC certificate stands for more safety,  healthier employees and exemplary environment protection. Being a pioneer in matters of safety, however, Kremsmueller is not resting on its laurels. The ambitious goal is: zero accidents at work. And all the employees are working in concert to achieve it. Outstanding examples are honoured by the company.
The Kremsmueller Safety Prize was awarded this year as well. Employees who sent in suggestions or ideas for safer workplaces were honoured. The experiences of the prizewinners will be broadcast in the Group through an umbrella information system. This will ensure that literally every employee will profit from them at his place of work. Kremsmueller has thus taken a large step towards its goal.