Karl Strauß and Gregor Kremsmueller accepting the Industrialist prize. Minister of Economic Affairs Reinhold Mitterlehner, Secretary of State Christine Marek, IV President Georg Kapsch as well as Helmut Maukner from the organisers and promoters Ernst & Young were present at the festive awards ceremony.

Entrepreneur of the Year 2010

High honour for the management of the Kremsmueller Group

The „Entrepreneur of the Year" is a well-known prize that is awarded in more than 50 countries all over the world. A jury of experts examines the leading personalities of successful companies. In contrast to what  is the case with most other prizes in the world of finance, it is not only the numbers that are examined – Rather, it is the company’s culture that makes the company a leading figure in the sector. And one of the criteria was social commitment. Once again, it became clear how important a program like Kremsmueller 4 Life“ is for the success of a company.
At a gala in the venerable rooms of the Wiener Hofburg (Vienna’s Imperial Palace), in September, the time had came: Ernst & Young awarded the Corporate Prize in three categories. Karl Strauß and Gregor Kremsmueller received the Industrialist of the Year Award 2010" in the category Industry and Hi-tech.
Georg Kapsch – President of the Industrial Association of Vienna – praised the impressive history of the company at the ceremony: „…The original idea was to be a human resources provider for the industry. Karl Kremsmueller was a pioneer at the start of the 60s. Step by step, the prospering company became, more and more, a complete provider for plant construction." That is the spirit of innovation, which thrives even today at Kremsmueller.
Another critrerion was the high value that is placed on people at Kremsmueller. Georg Kapsch had this to say: „Since joining the company, Karl Strauß has doubled the number of employees and set up the ‚Karl Kremsmueller Welding Academy‘ as one of the most modern training facilities in Austria." The jury was also particularly impressed by the generational change in the management. In an interview after the prize-giving ceremony, Gregor Kremsmueller summarised what it’s all about: „Although it is the industrialists who are honoured here, we nonetheless accept this prize on behalf of all our employees, because they are the ones who make the Kremsmueller company what it is."
More on the Entrepreneur of the Year can be found on the website of Ernst & Young.
Entrepreneur of the Year
Karl Strauß and Gregor Kremsmueller with the winners in the categories Trade (Karl Schmiedbauer) and Services (Waltraud Schinko-Neuroth)