Connecting with Youth
What we offer: a fascinating day in the world of industry.
Kremsmüller also exposes the upcoming generation to the world of plant engineering and construction. There’s a fascinating experience awaiting school batches in the company headquarters at Wels.
The premiere took place with about 35 students from a Viennese HTL (School of Technical Education). The entire day was devoted to welding. The kick-off was a short theory lecture with many valuable tips from practical experience. The students went to work hands-on in the in-house welding academy and tried out modern welding processes. The materials testing experts then showed them how the results can be inspected professionally.
Would you like more information, or would you perhaps like to arrange a visit for your own class? Click on the right on "Contact" and you will be put in direct touch with one of our advisors.
You can read more on the Karl Kremsmueller Welding Academy here