An Impressive Natural Gas Flare
The customer requirement: gases and vapours must be disposed of in an environment-friendly manner. The solution was a 30-metre high flaring system.
The excess gas flaring system was prefabricated in the factory of Kremsmueller Industrieanlagenbau. All the components were subjected to hardness tests and surface crack tests. The results are proof of the outstanding work by the experts from Kremsmueller.
The excess gas flaring system consists of a 5 metre high separator, with a transition into a 22 metre long flare pipe. The diameter tapers here from 1200 to about 400 millimetres. With the burner head at the tip of the flare, the structure reaches out 30 metres into the sky.
The flare was erected by the experienced fitters from Kremsmüller. The flaring system weighs 11 tonnes, all resting on a pipe with a diameter of just 150 millimetres. Six steel cables hold the structure firmly in position. Even in heavy storms, the flare remains secure and stable and continues to reliably do its job.
Click on the right-hand side on "Contact" to directly get in touch with the experts for this project. You can read more on the flaring of gases here