Quality & HSE

No-compromises quality

Kremsmueller is an enterprise group that can look back on a decades-long tradition. Since the first beginnings, we have committed ourselves in all aspects of plant construction to no-compromises quality work. At the same time, we encourage our employees to have an impartial outlook towards traditional procedures. The goal is to continuously work on the efficiency of our performance without ever jeopardising the quality.

Quality & HSE

Modernization at Kremsmüller

Therefore, at Kremsmueller, “Research and Development” often means getting intensely involved with new processes and working methods and also developing ourselves further. Particularly in the welding technology environment for new progressive materials, we work closely with the best manufacturers in the market. This is with the aim of being able to process even those materials that were previously considered practically unweldable.
Kremsmueller invests up to € 8 million annually in modernising its tools and its fleet. We carry out all maintenance and inspection work ourselves in our own workshops. We are absolutely convinced that perfect quality can only be delivered with the best equipment. To ensure this, we work, in principle, only with our own equipment, in which continuous quality control can be demonstrated.


Quality & HSE

Pathbreaking in matters of safety

The roots of safety-conscious thinking and a sense of responsibility go back to the founding years of the company. Karl Kremsmueller repeatedly pointed out to his management team, for how many persons the company actually bore responsibility. An accident can often be decisive for the destiny of an entire family. With this basic attitude, the pioneering work of the initial years was accompanied by pathbreaking initiatives in the framework of safety at work.

The ‘safety net’ stretched from the use of the first professional safety shoes and from health projects, up to the “analogue Intranet” called the Safety Board. The latter was developed to impart standardised and professionally prepared information in very quick time to a maximum of employees. A systematic safety system was introduced by Kremsmueller as early as in 1990. Seven years later, the international SCC System was introduced – at that time, as the first company in Austria in any sector.
Till the time of the introduction of SCC, the accident figures had already been reduced by more than 70%. Then, under the SCC System, a further reduction by 90% was achieved. This succeeded through massive investments in safety equipment and in training our employees. The legal requirement for safety personnel is exceeded at Kremsmueller by a factor of 3. Only thus can we ensure that the best safety expertise is available across the board at all the construction sites of the Group.
Special attention is paid to internal communication for the ongoing promotion of consciousness for safe working. Much value is placed on the frank and broad exchange of experiences after critical situations – in safety committees, in the employee newspaper and on the Intranet. Dialogue is promoted through the Kremsmueller safety and environment prize, which is awarded annually since 2002.


The Karl Kremsmueller Academy

The best possible training and further education of our employees is the focus of our efforts. An excellent example is our in-house academy, which ensures perfect training for our welders and metalworkers.


Quality & HSE

Our certificates

The companies of the Kremsmüller Group have a large number of certificates, licenses and awards. So you can be sure that even comprehensive projects are in good hands with us.

  • DVGW Steinhaus deu engl bis 08-2024
  • EN 1090 Schweißzertifikat
  • EN 1090_WPK 2019
  • EN 15085 2021 Steinhaus
  • EN ISO 14001 deutsch bis 10_2023
  • EN ISO 14001 englisch bis 10_2023
  • EN ISO 9003 deutsch bis 10_2023
  • EN ISO 9003 englisch bis 10_2023
  • Korea Stamps Fertigung-Abwicklung Apparate
  • Tankbau Steinhaus – 3_2022
  • SELO Special Equipment Licensing Office 01_2021
  • SystemCert Ausbildungsstellenzertifikat SCC-Schulung bis 02_2022
  • SystemCert Ausbildungsstellenzertifikat
  • Schrauberschulung Grundmodul und Hydraulik bis 12-2023
  • TfS Nachhaltigkeits Zertifikat 2017
  • Übereinstimmungszertifikat Ü-Zeichen WHG DIN6601_2020-06-19_gültig bis 2025_06
  • Werksabnahmestelle KRM RA Schwechat-Steinhaus DGR 2014 Modul A2-C2 bis 09-04-2022
  • Zertifikat EN3834 und AD 2000-HP0 deutsch englisch bis 05_2021
  • Zertifikat Fachbetrieb WHG bis 10_2022
  • Zertifikat Kremsmüller §51 DGG bis 04_2022
  • CSEI China Special Equipment Institute 01_2021
  • CSEI China Special Equipment Institute 01_2022