Total involvement for the Eurofighter
Kremsmueller demonstrates inventiveness and considerably accelerates the maintenance procedure for the jets.
They are only small adapters for aircraft maintenance, but the effect is huge. They were developed and manufactured in the mechanical workshops of Kremsmueller in the Styrian town of Krieglach – an address that has now become a guarantee for inventive special solutions.
Currently, all Austrian Eurofighter aircraft are maintained in the maintenance hangars at Zeltweg. The emergency oxygen shackle, which had to be inspected after every use, was giving the maintenance team at the hangar headaches. In a tedious procedure, a part of the seat had to be dismantled every time to access the part. The search therefore involved tank adapters to be used to go round the seat. But the real challenge of these mini-pipelines was the connection to the oxygen tank. The technical team of Kremsmueller Krieglach took all the dimensions of the exotic couplings. However, a world-wide search proved fruitless: there are no tools available for these joints. The Krieglach team then set to work and manufactured all the screw taps for the non-standard Eurofighter joints themselves. The result more than impressed the Zeltweg squadron. The maintenance time per deployment was reduced by up to 6 man-hours.
This was yet another demonstration of the impressive versatility of Kremsmueller. In recent years, the mechanical workshops of Kremsmueller have built up a reputation as flexible problem solvers. Prototypes, small batches and individually customised mechanical products – these are the strengths of Kremsmueller Krieglach.
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